Medical Instruments Technology Engineering Department

The Vision, Missions and Objectives of Medical Instruments Technology Engineering Department


This department tries to qualify those who are scientifically creative in terms of the skills in the field of the technology of medical instrumentation in a way that enables it to identify itself with its counterparts in well-established world universities. This will be accomplished through making services available to the community. In this respect, the most recent programs are available to create a well-advanced academic environment.


Allowing the student to learn at every stage of study the most crucial study programs and the skills related to the various scientific and practical sectors show the importance of this specialization.


these aims may be summarized as follows:

  1. Giving the student the scientific and applied skills enables him/her to pin down the faults of the medical instrumentation.
  2. Graduation students can be well-acquainted with the various parts of medical instrumentation and technological developments.
  3. Endowing the graduate with the ability to know fully and in detail the recent technologies in the field of medical instrumentation engineering.
  4. Offering students the necessary skills to modernize medical instrumentation.
  5. Vertically expanding to start a program for higher studies to allow the student to have an MA and PhD.
  6. Following the available capabilities, the department acquires quality standards.