Accounting and Banking Sciences Department

A scientific trip to the Iraqi Stock Exchange

Mar 28th, 2022


The Department of Accounting and Banking Sciences held a scientific trip to the Iraq Stock Exchange, where the group including the Head of the Accounting Sciences Department, a number of the department’s professors, and a selected group of the department’s students, on Monday, 3/28/2022. The group was received by

On Monday, March 28, 2022, the group was received by

Mr. Taha Ahmed Abdel Salam - Executive Director of the Market -.

Miss Jimmy Efham Toma - Director of Public Relations at the market -.

Mr. Ali Asaad Abbas - Director of Training and Development in the Market -.

Jimmy gave an integrated workshop in which she explained everything related to the market in terms of concept, establishment, organizational structure, and stages of development of trading from manual to electronic, trading, joint-stock companies, investors, brokerage companies, market index, disclosure, depository center, controls and laws that determine the work and nature of the market and trading in it.

Then the group of students was distributed into small teams to see how to trade, how electronic stock indices work, how brokerage firms work, and other practical and applied aspects.

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