Al- Mansour University Baghdad Senior Lecturer October 2014 Till now Full Time
University Kebangsaan Malaysia
(UKM) Malaysia Post-Doctoral Researcher Oct. 2013 Aug. 2014 Full Time
General Company for Automobile & Machinery trade Baghdad Project Manager May.2002 Septemeber.2010 Full Time
Versar International Assistance Projects (VIAP) Baghdad Quality Assurance engineer Sep.2006 Mar.2009 Part Time
ALAMCO Company for Contracts Baghdad Site engineer Jul.2006 Sep.2006 Part Time
PARSONS Company Baghdad Quality Control Engineer Jun.2005 Jun.2006 Part Time
College of Engineering/ Al-Mustaniriyah University Baghdad Lecturer Oct.1999 Apr.2002 Full Time
Transportation & roads researches unit College of Engineering/ Al-Mustaniriyah University Baghdad Unit Manager Jan.2001 May.2001 Part Time
Engineering Consultancy Bureau in College of Engineering/ Al-Mustaniriyah University Baghdad Consular Engineer Oct.2000 Oct.2001 Part Time
University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Civil Engineering PhD 2013/ Malaysia
Al-Mustaniriyah University Civil Engineering Master 2000/ Baghdad
Al-Mustaniriyah University Civil Engineering Bachelor 1998/ Baghdad
Ministry of Planning ISO 11027 2017/Baghdad/Iraq
University of Kebangsaan Malaysia English Language Proficiency Module 2011/Bangi/Malaysia
American Concrete institute (ACI) Concrete flatwork techniques and finishing 2007/Baghdad/Iraq
OSHA 360 training 10-Hours Construction safety course 2007/OSHA Website
Versar International Assistance Projects (VIAP) Power Generators operation and Maintenance 2007/Baghdad/Iraq
American Concrete institute (ACI) Concrete field testing techniques 2006/Baghdad/Iraq
PARSONS Company Safety Requirement in Construction Projects 2005/Baghdad/Iraq
PARSONS Company Quality Control in Construction Projects 2005/Baghdad/Iraq
University of Technology Protection of reinforcement steel from rust using advanced ways 2004/Baghdad/Iraq
Ministry of Trade/ Central office STAAD pro (Professional Computer Program for Evaluation, Analysis, Design All Structures) 2003/Baghdad/Iraq
University of Technology Improvement of concrete properties using additives 2002/Baghdad/Iraq
Al-Mustaniriyah University Teaching Ways 2002/Baghdad/Iraq
Al-Mustaniriyah University Computer Technology Hardware, and software (Windows, Microsoft Office, Internet, others) 2001/Baghdad/Iraq
Al-Mustaniriyah University Traffic safety 2000/Baghdad/Iraq
1. Mohammed AA, Ambak K, Mosa AM, Syamsunur D.,: Traffic Accidents in Iraq: An Analytical Study, Journal of Advanced Research in Civil and Environmental Engineering. 2018, 5:1-13.
2. Mohammed AA, Ambak K, Mosa AM, Syamsunur D.,: Classification of Traffic Accident Prediction Models: A Review Paper, International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology. 2018, 6:35-8.
3. M. K. Hatem, A. M. Mosa, M. H. Al-Dahlaki,: Software for Line of Balance in Projects of Highways, Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development. 2018, 22, 119-130.
4. H. Taher, L. A. Salem, A. M. Mosa: Aerobic and Anaerobic Treatment for Greywater Using Large Scale Model, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology. 2018, 9, 842-849.
5. M. Mosa: Influence of Nano and Ordinary Particles on Properties of Subgrade: a Comparative Study, Journal of Engineering Sciences. 2017, 45, 411-421.
6. M. Mosa: Modification of Hot Mix Asphalt Using Polyethylene Therephthalate (PET) Waste Bottles, SUST Journal of Engineering and Computer Sciences. 2017, 18, 62-73.
7. M. Mosa: Modification of Subgrade Properties Using Waste Material, Applied Research Journal. 2017, 3, 160-166.
8. M. Mosa: Neural Network for Flexible Pavements Maintenance and Rehabilitation, Applied Research Journal. 2017, 3, 114-129.
9. M. Mosa, Q. S. Banyhussan, R. A. Yousif: Improvement of expansive soil properties used in earthworks of highways and railroads using cement kiln dust, Journal of Advanced Civil Engineering Practice and Research. 2017, 4, 13-24.
10. M. Mosa, A. H. Taher, L. A. Al-Jaberi: Improvement of poor subgrade soils using cement kiln dust, Case Studies in Construction Materials. 2017, 7, 138-143.
11. M. H. Al-Dahlaki, M. K. H. A. M. Mosa: Inter-Particle Pressure as influenced by Physicochemical Parameters on Microscale of Saturated Heavy Clay, Civil and Environmental Research. 2016, 8, 86-96.
12. M. Mosa, N. N. Ismail, N. I. M. Yusoff, M. A. Mubaraki, N. A. Memon, M. R. Taha, M. R. Hainin: An expert system to remedy concrete imperfections and their effects on rigid pavements, Jurnal Teknologi. 2015, 76, 105-119.
13. M. Mosa: Optimization Approach for Rehabilitation of Sever Damages in Concrete Members, in: 15th conference of AL Mansour University College Iraq 2015.
14. M. Mosa, R. A. O. K. Rahmat, A. Ismail, M. R. Taha: Expert System to Control Construction Problems in Flexible Pavements, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. 2013, 28, 307-323.
15. M. Mosa, M. R. Taha, A. Ismail, R. A. O. K. Rahmat: A diagnostic expert system to overcome construction problems in rigid highway pavement, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management. 2013, 19, 846-861.
16. M. Mosa, M. R. Taha, A. Ismail, R. A. O. K. Rahmat: An Educational Knowledge-based System For Civil Engineering Students in Cement Concrete Construction Problems, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2013, 102, 311-319.
17. M. Mosa, R. Atiq, M. Raihantaha, A. Ismail: Classification of construction problems in rigid highway pavements, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 2011, 5, 378-395.
18. M. Mosa, R. Atiq, M. Raihantaha, A. Ismail: A knowledge base system to control construction problems in rigid highway pavements, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 2011, 5, 1126-1136.
19. احمد منسي موسى, تأثير الجسيمات النانوية و الاعتيادية على خواص طبقة تأسيس الطريق: دراسة مقارنة. مجلة الهندسة و العلوم-جامعة اسيوط, 2017 p. 411-421 45(4):
20. احمد منسي موسى , تحسين خواص تربة اساس التبليط باستخدام الجسيمات النانوية. مجلة الباهر, Vol. 6, No. 10 and 11, P. (17-33)A, 2017.
• Ten Thanks, and Appreciation from the Ministry of Trade
• Three thanks and appreciation from Al-Mustansirah.
• Eight thanks and appreciation from Dean of Al-Mansour University College during the period of my job.