Current membership in professional organizations:
Iraqi Engineers Association - Consultant Rank
Service activities (within and outside of the institution):
• Supervision of undergraduate students Training of and supervising the student’s projects
• Chairman of a performance evaluation committee for one of higher education university
• Chairman or member of the curricula preparation committees for many engineering colleges and departments of under and post - graduate studies
• Cooperation with Faculty of Engineering - University of sedum - in the field of under and post - graduate studies
• Cooperation with the Department of Electronic & communication Engineering / Faculty of Engineering - University of Baghdad - in the field of under and post - graduate studies
• Cooperation with the Department of Electronic & communication Engineering / Faculty of Engineering - University of Baghdad - in the field of under and post - graduate studies
• Cooperation with the Department of Electrical Engineering / Faculty of Engineering – Mustansiriyah University - in the field of under and post graduate studies
Supervision on the Ph.D. Desertion = 7 students
Supervision on the M.Sc. Thesis = more than 30 student
Name Assist. Prof. Refat T. Hussain (Ph.D.)
Degree Discipline Institution Year
Ph.D. Microwave Image Processing System University of Strathclyde - UK 1990
M.Sc. Telecommunication Systems Cranfield University - UK 1987
B.Sc. Electronic & Electrical Engineering Military Engineering College - IRAQ 1981
• Microwave Image System
• Image Steganography System
• Fractal Antenna Design.
• "Application of 2D Migration Algorithms to Ground Probing Radar", ICASSP88, April 11-14, 1988, New York City, USA, 41.M10.6. R.T. Hussein, W. Sandham, and R. Chapman.
• "Comparison Between Image Processing Methodologies Used in the GPR", Proc. Of the MCE 2nd Eng. Con. 1994, PP. EE2- 11 – 16. Dr. R.T. Hussain.
• "EM Field Properties of Antennas for Transmission into a Lossy Half-Space Media", JSU, Vol. 3(2), Dec 1999, PP. 95-111, Assist. Prof. Dr. R.T. Hussain.
• "Optimum Costas Radar-Waveform Design", JSU, Vol. 5(1), Nov 2001, PP. 32-45. Emad Shehab Ahmed (M.Sc.) & Assist. Prof. Dr. R.T. Hussain.
• "Optimum FM Modulation Waveforms Design for Dual-Channel Transmission Pulse Radar", IJCCCE, Vol. 2(2), 2001, PP. 17-24. Emad Shehab Ahmed (M.Sc.) & Assist. Prof. Dr. R.T. Hussain.
• "(8-12) m wavelength atmospheric transmission modeled to restored thematic images", IJCCCE, Vol.2(3), 2001, PP.79-89. Eng. Anwaar Abdul Satar (M.Sc.) & Assist. Prof. Dr. R.T. Hussain.
• "Optimum Approach of DOA for Mono-pulse Radar Systems with Modern Neural Network Algorithms", JSU, Vol. 6(3), 2002. PP. 61-74, Assist. Prof. Dr. R.T. Hussain & Eng. Yaseen Naser Jrn.
• "Design and Implementation of Broad-band Annual Ring Micro-Strip Patch Antenna with Hybrid Polarization", JSU, Vol. 6(3), 2002. PP. 83-96. Assist. Prof. Dr. R.T. Hussain & Eng. Hasan Kasim Abbas.
• "Optimum Design and Implementation of Helicon Antenna", JSU, Vol. 6(3), 2002. PP. 25 -34. Assist. Prof. Dr. R.T. Hussain & Eng. Yasser Saa'di Mohamed.
• "3D Visualization for Embedded Target in Media", Proc. Of the M2USIC 2005, TS11, PP. 21 – 24. Assist. Prof. Dr. R.T. Hussain, Kitara K. Abdul Rahman.
• "3D combine fractal dipole wire antenna", IJCCCE Vol. 7, No.2, 2007, PP.35-42. Assist. Prof. Dr. R.T. Hussain.
• "Compact Size Design with low Side Lobes of Fractal Linear array antenna", IJCCCE VOL.9, NO.1, 2009, PP.1-12. Assist. Prof. Dr. R.T. Hussain & Eng. F. J. Jibrael.
• "Comparison of the radiation pattern of fractal and conventional linear array antenna", Progress in Electromagnetic Research Letters, Vol. 4, pp.183-190, 2008. Assist. Prof. Dr. R.T. Hussain & Eng. F. J. Jibrael.
• "Low complexity high data rate transmit diversity block code (TDBC)", Zanco, Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences/ Salahuddin University-Hawler, Vol. 21, No.3, 2009, PP.65-74. Assist. Prof. Dr. R.T. Hussein & Dr. Thuraya M. Al-Qaradaghi.
• "Automatic extracted object technique for contrast enhancement medical images", IJCCCE, VOL.9, NO.1, 2009, Assist. Prof. Dr. R.T. Hussein & Atheer Jabbar Mansor.
• "Modified CA-CFAR Radar detection for multiple and clutter edge situations",
• المؤتمر العلمي الحادي عشر لهيئة التعليم التقني , البحوث الهندسية, 2009, 22-24 أذار, 489 – 502 , أ.م.د.رفعت طالب حسين و م.م.أوس باسل حامد.
• "Imperceptible Image Steganography system with Turbo Code and Wavelet Based Fusion", First Computer sciences Conference, 3rd -4th Feb. 2010, U.O.T., Baghdad, Iraq. Assist. Prof. Dr. R.T. Hussein & Awatif Ali Jafar (M.Sc.).
• "New Trend of space-frequency block code-OFDM", (JZS) Journal of Zankoy suliminea, 2010, 13(1) Part A, pp49-58. Assist. Prof. Dr. R.T. Hussein & Dr. Thuraya M. Al-Qaradaghi.
• “Simulation of hybrid system with (SFBC-STBC OFDM) in wireless communication"
• "Image Steganography algorithm based on DWT and Turbo coding"
• "Cantor fractal linear antenna array with Koch fractal elements", IJCCCE, Vol.1, No.1, 2010, Assist. Prof. Dr. R.T. Hussain & Eng. Mohannad Ahmad.
• "Novel Security Image Steganography Based On DWT and Pseudorandom Sequence", Journal of Engineering and Development, Vol. 14, No. 1, April (2010), Assist. Prof. Dr. R.T. Hussein & Awatif A. Jafar (M.Sc.).
• “A Wideband Hybrid Plasmonic Fractal Patch Nano-antenna”,
• “Design and Performance Investigation of Tunable UWB THZ Antenna Based on Graphene Fractal Artificial Magnetic Conductor”, Volume 6, Issue 9, Sep 2015, pp. 39-47, Article ID: IJECET_06_09_005.
• “A Modified Wideband Hybrid Plasmonic Fractal Patch Nano-antenna”, International Conf. on Laser & advanced Materials, 2014.
• “UWB Single Port Log Periodic Toothed Terahertz Antenna Design Based on Graphene Artificial Magnetic Conductor”, Modern Applied Science; Vol. 11, No. 3; 2017.
• “(0.1-10) THZ Single Port Log Periodic Antenna Design Based on Hilbert Graphene Artificial Magnetic Conductor”, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 12, No. 4, Feb. 2017.
• "Zigzag Edges Toothed Log Periodic Terahertz Antenna Design Based on Graphene Hilbert Curve AMC", 2018 Third Scientific Conference of Electrical Engineering (SCEE) 19-20 Dec 2018, DOO: 10.1109/SCEE 2018, IEEE Xplore; April 2019, Pages 140 – 143.
• “Wideband improvement for hybrid plasmonic fractal patch nanoantenna”, Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Vol. 11, No. 5, October 2022, pp. 2672~2678, ISSN: 2302-9285, DOI: 10.11591/eei.v11i5.4129.
• And more….
• Appreciation (Excellent – very good – good )