1955 - 1956 Degree Title, B.A. Foreign Languages Department/ Higher Teachers' Training College, Baghdad
1976 Degree Title, M.A. Linguistics Department/ University of Wales, U.K Title of Dissertation: Relativisation and the Choice of Restrictive Relative Pronouns in English.
1984 Degree Title, PhD. (Modern Novel) Department of English Studies / University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, U.K., Title of Thesis: The Imperial Theme and Vision of J.G. Farrell.
• List one of your strengths ( Teaching )
• List one of your strengths ( Writing Papers )
• List one of your strengths (Translation )
PUBLISHED PAPERS (ON LANGUAGE TOPICS) • “The Grammatical Phenomenon of Rankshift in Systemic Grammar”, published in Al-Mansour Journal, Issue No. 19, 2013. • "English Tags," IDELTI, No. 12, 1979. • The Qualifier", IDELTI, No. 11, 1978. • "English for Journalists', IDELTI, No. 10, 1978. • "A Tentative Evaluation of Two Learners' Dictionaries". IDELTI, No. 9, 1977. • “Language and Linguistics from Definition to Horizon” An interview conducted with me, Alf Ba Magazine, 1977 • "Specification", IDELTI, No.8, 1977. • "On the Length of English Vowels and Diphthongs", IDELTI, No. 7, 1976. • "Language Acquisition", IDELTI, Nos. 4-5, 1975. • "Testing Reading Comprehension", IDELTI. No. 3, 1974. • "Main Recommendations of the Seminar on the Teaching of Foreign Languages in General and Technical Education in the Arab Countries", (Translation from Arabic) IDELTI, No. 2, 1974. • "These Effective Teaching Devices Called Dialogues", IDELTI, No. 1, 1973. PUBLISHED LITERARY PAPERS • "A Deconstructive Reading of Dickenson's Poetic Texts," Advances in Language and Literature Studies, Volume 9, Issue 9 (December, 2018), pp.144-147. • "Dissociation in Desmond Stewart's Leopard in the grass," Journal of Social Science Research, Volume 11, Number 2 (June, 2017), pp.2390-2400. • "The Principles Regulating Translational Acts" delivered at the 14th Symposium held by Al-Mansour University College, 2015. • “The Act of Teaching Drama: The Iraqi Situation,” published in The English literature Journal, Vol. 2, No.3 (2015) PP. 370-379. • “The Precarious Situation of Being a Woman”, published in Imam Ja’afar Al_Sadiq University Journal, Third Issue. March, 2015. • “The Strangest Novel in World Literature.”, published in Al_Mansour Journal, special Issue No 20, 2013. • "The Enigmatic Code" in Edgar A. Poe's "The Facts in The Case of M. Valdemar", published by Imam Ja’afar AL-Sadiq University Journal, issue 0,2011. • “The Translator and Three Dimensions of Contexts” (in Arabic) AlHikma, (Baghdad) No.49, Sept., 2010. • “The Trial as the Code of the Absurd”, Journal of College of Education, Al- Mustansiriyah University, No.4, 1994. • "Man's Relation to Nature", in Stephen Crane's "The Open Boat", 1994. • "Meaninglessness in J.G. Farrell", 1994. • "Death as an Existentialist Experience" in Jean Paul Sartre's "The Wall", 1992. • "Powerlessness as an Existentialist Theme in J.G. Farrell", 1990. • "Father's Domination as a Disruptive Influence", in Katherine Mansfield's "The Daughters of the Late Colonel", 1989. • "Decay", in William Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily", 1989. • "J.G Farrell: His Voice in his Historical Novels" (in Arabic) Arab Horizons, 1988. • "Mother's Love as Impediment to the Son's Emotional Development in Sons and Lovers", 1988. • "On Some Iterative Images in Richard II", IDELTI, No. 19, 1981. UNPUPLISHED LITERARY PAPERS • "Animals in Farrell: The Workings of the Hermeneutic Code". PUBLISHED BOOKS • Translation as a Discourse (in Arabic), published by Dar Al-Ma’moon for Translation and publishing, Baghdad, 2014. • English Poetry: A Re-reading: Published by Bayt Alhikma, 2012. • The Third Meaning and Other Articles (Translation) published by Beit Al-Hikma, Baghdad 2011. • Cure Your Nerves Yourself (Translation), Radwan Publishing House, Aleppo, 2011. • Academic Writing: A Practical Course for College Students, Advanced Stage 2/Radwan Publishing House, Aleppo, 2011. • The Validity of the Narrative Act: A Book of Short Stories.Radwan Publishing House, Aleppo, 2011. • A Book of Short Stories (In collaboration with Dr. Fakhri Abdul- Razzak), Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Baghdad,1991. • The Siege of Krishrapur. (Arabic Translation of J.G. Farrell's Novel), Directorate General of Cultural Affairs/Publishing House, Baghdad, 1987. • English Reader Three (For Secondary Schools), Ministry of Education, Baghdad, 1986. • English Reader Two (For Secondary Schools), Ministry of Education, Baghdad, 1986. • Psychology and Fear: O.G. Macbride (a translation in collaboration with Sa’ab Ameen) published by Ministry of Culture and Information, 1986. • A Course in General English, (In collaboration with Dr. Al-Hamash), a publication of IDELTI, Baghdad, 1982. • Oliver Twist Simplified, Ministry of Education, Baghdad, 1978. • English Course for Schools of Commerce, Book Two, Ministry of Education, Baghdad, 1978. (In collaboration with others). • English Course for Schools of Commerce, Book One, Ministry of Education, Baghdad, 1978. (In collaboration with others). • Studies in English Fiction, Al-Muttananbi Press, Baghdad, 1972. • An Approach to The Baccalaureate Examination, Al-Muttanabi Press, Baghdad, 1971. • Clauses, Phrases and Prepositions, Asa'ad Printing House,Baghdad, 1971. • English Idioms, Al-Jimhouriyah Printing House, Baghdad, 1967. • A Companion to Silas Manner, Al-Jimhouriyah Printing House, Baghdad, 1965. TRANSLATED ARTICLES • “The World of Wrestling” in Barthes’s Selected Writings, ed. Susan Sontag, Al-Rafid, No.90, (Feb.2005) published by the Department of Culture and Information, Al-Sharjah, U.A.E. • "The Literary Text: Focus of a Uniquely Articulated Consciousness or Self-deconstructing?" (My Title) Section 14, Practicing Theory and Reading Literature: an Introduction, by Roman Seden, Nawafith, No. 24., June, 2003. • "Authors and Writers" by Roland Barthes, Al-Tawasil [= Communication] No. 8, June 2002, University of Aden's Publishing House, Yemen. • "Rejecting the Idea of Textual Structures" (My title) Section 16, Practicing Theory and Reading Literature: an Introduction by Roman Selden, Nawafith [=Windows] , No. 22, December, 2002. Literary and Cultural Club, Jeda, Saudi Arabia. • "Romantic Poems",Mu'tah Magazine, University of Mu'tah, Jordan, No. 1, April, 1993. • "Flaubert and the Sentence" by Roland Barthes, AfaqArabiyah [=Arab Horizons], Baghdad, January, 1992. • "The Third Meaning" by Roland Barthes, Al-Thakafa Al-Ajnabiyah, Baghdad, No. 2, 1989. • "[From] Roland Barthes by Roland Barthes, Al-Aklam, Baghdad, No. 7, July, 1988. • "Deliberation" by Roland Barthes, Al-Tali'ah Al-Adabiyah (=The Literary Vanguard) Baghdad, January-February, Nos. 1 and 2,1988 (pp.32-42) • "[From] The Pleasure of The Text" by Roland Barthes, Al Thakafa Al-Ajinabiyah, Baghdad, No. 4, 1987, (pp. 22-26). • "Lesson in Writing" by Ronald Barthes, Al-Thakafa Al-Ajnnabiyah [=Foreign Culture] Baghdad, No. 4, 1987, (pp. 18-22). • "Writing Itself: On Ronald Barthes" by Susan Sontage, Al-Katib Al-Arabi [=The Arab Writer], Baghdad, No. 19, 1987, pp.22-33). • "Milton" by E.M. W. Tiillyard, Al-Aklam, Ministry of Culture and Guidance, Baghdad,1966. • "D.H. Lawrence" by Kenneth Young, Al-Aklam [=Pens], Ministry of Culture and Guidance, Baghdad, July, 1965. COURSES & CONFERENCES • The First Symposium on “English Language and Literature” held by Ibn Rushd College of Education, on April 9th, 2016. My contribution: “A Deconstructive Reading of Emily Dickinson’s Poetic Texts”. • The 13th Scientific Conference of Al-Mansour University College, April, 2014. My contribution: a paper entitled “The Principals Regulation the Translational Acts”. • The 12th Scientific Conference of Al-Mansour University College, April, 2013. My contribution: a paper entitled “The Strangest Novels in World Literature”. • Second Symposium “English Language and Contemporary Linguistic Tendencies” April, 2010, Department of English, College of Arts, University of Imam Jaffa’r al Sadiq. (My Contribution): “The Enigmatic Code in Poe’s The Case of M. Valdemar”. • Sixth Symposium. Governing Topic: “Cultural Varieties and The Difficulty of Translation”, April, 2010 / College of Languages, University of Baghdad. (My Contribution in collaboration with Nada Aziz): “The Grammatical Phenomenon of Rankshift in Systemic Grammar”. • Ninth Symposium, “English Literature, Linguistics and Translation”, Department of English Language /College of Education for Women, University of Baghdad, 2010. (My Contribution): “The Rhetoric of Figurative Code in Richard II”. • The Seventh Symposium on Language and Literature. Department of English Language / College of Education for Women /University of Baghdad, 2008. (My contribution): "Evaluating Arabic Renderings of Shakespeare's Sonnet (18)." • A 2-Day Symposium on Theory of Translation for Pedagogic Purposes. University of Sana', Yemen, 2003, (my contribution): "Literary Translation as a Semiotic Act". • Symposium on English Literature Teaching in Yemen: Problems and Prospects. Ibb University, 2003, (my contribution): Key-note AADRESS: "Notes on Teaching Drama." • A term-month course in English literature held at Bath University, U.K. (1977). CULTURAL ACTIVITIES • Providing scientific advice on literary and linguistic matters for university institutions in Iraq and previously in Jordon and Yemen. • Supervising and Examining M.A and Ph.D. thesis and dissertations on Linguistic / Literary and otherwise subjects in Iraq, Jordan and Yemen. • Supervising and introducing programs on English Language transmitted by the Educational TV conducted by Iraqi Ministry of Education.
• Recipient of “Creativity Award in Translation”, granted by the Ministry of Culture, 2014.
• More than 60 Letters of official thanks and appreciation for excellence regarding my teaching performance (Iraq) for introducing teaching programs (Jordan) and for true service (Yemen).