27/12/1981-31/091987( general Establishment of civil aviation / Ministry of Transportation)
Job Titles: Assistant Forewoman
- Responsible for completing the retirement transactions of the newly retired employees of the airport.
- Responsible for shift in the foreign avinction of Samara Building
- The Fifth position in managing and operating the airports course , under the auspices of international Air Transport Association (IATA) .
- I resigned under the condition of the acceptance in the Postgraduate studies.
1/10/1987-1/09/1989( Master degree student in Business and economics / Al - Mustansiriyah University
22/07/1990-31/08/1992(Ministry of Education - Directorat General of Administrative and Financial affairs.
Job Titles: scientific researcher assistant.
- I accomplished three researches concerning performance assessment ( the ministry printing house 1& 2 and the productive factory for the scholastic furniture requirements.
- The head for the artificial section in the directorate general of administrative and financial affairs.
- I implement the study of the historical development for the formation of the ministry of Education 1972-1991.
- Following up the plans of the working committees in the ministry 1990-1992.
1/09/1992-31/12/2006( Foundation of technical education , technical institute of management )
Job Titles: lecturer in 1/09/1992
-I earned instructor title in 1995
-I earned assistant professor Title in 1999
-I earned the Dictorial degree in October 2006
-I taught items of office management correspondences in English.
- A lecturer in many training courses related to different organizations including ministry of industry , interior politics college, Nahrain university , university of technology, ministry of oil and Educational training institute , ministry of education .
- Head of the scientific unit in the institute 1993-1994.
- teaching the office management correspondence in English course
-Head of the tourism guidance unit in the institute 1995-1999
- member of the advisory bureau for measuring and assessment headed by the board chief 1993-1994
1/01/2007-31/08/2017( Al-Mustansiriyah University/College of Management and Economic)
-I taught specialized items in managing the organization . the organizational conduct for Bachelor study.
-I taught in the Master program from 2008-2017 ( organizational behavior )
-I taught in the Dictorial program from 2008-2018 ( organization theory)
-I taught in the diploma program strategial planning for the first three courses 2015-2017 ( modern management )
-I taught in the higher diploma program office management for one year 2016 ( managing and organizing the office)
-I supervised students of higher diploma 4 , Master 7 , and dictorial 5 student .
I earned the professor degree on 2/04/2012.
-A lecture in the Institute of foreign service for the two diplomatic courses of 2008, 2010.
-I debated many of master and dictorial degree theses in Al- mustansiriyah university , Baghdad university , university of karbala , university of - kuffa , university of Al-Qadisiyah and Nineveh university
-I evaluated many master and Dictorial theses in Baghdad university , university of Karbala, Tikrit university and university of kufa.
-I was assigned to be the scientific observer of many theses and dissertations in Baghdad university .
- I earned the first professor title for the first time in the department in 2015.
-the assessment of many researches related to acadimics magazines such as Al- mustansiriyah management and economic , Baghdad , Karbala, and Al- Mansour university .
-the assessment of researches for many college , Al-mansour university college.
-I headed a scientific committee of the first ministry of trade conference in 2017 as well as its opening session .
-I headed many master and dictorial debates committees in many college Baghdad university , university of karbala, university of kufa , ninevch university and university of Al- qadisiyah
-I wrote a book titled as( the organizational conduct modern science and art ) in 2016
-I participated in many scientific conferences as a member of a scientific committee , researcher presence , moderator or as rapporteur in many colleges such as many college Baghdad technical college , al- Mansour university college , university of nawroz and university of kurbala.
-Member of scientific committee postgraduate studies in the department 2010- 2017 .
-Chairwoman of the support committee in the college 2015-2017.
-Member of the validity testing committee 2013-2017.
-Supervisor of the first student conference of third grade student in the department in may 2017.
-Reviewing , assessing and discussing of 15 academic research.
-The chief of many plagiarism committees for many colleges requirements of promotion
1/10/2017---( Al- Mansour university college )
Job title: professor
- A lecture for : organization , organizational behavior, knowledge management, international management .
- Member of a scientific committee in the department
- Chief of the curriculum implementing committee.
- Chief of the students activities committee in the department .
- Member of a scientific committee for the college in 2018
- Bachelor degree 1981 ( Al- mustansiriyah university , Bussiness administration department ) / studying system – courses.
- -Master degree 1989, ( Al- mustansiriyah university , Bussiness administration department )(Rebuilding the organizational charts according to the management revolution changes a practical study in Amuni Cipality of Baghdad )
- Dictorial degree 2006 ( Al- mustansiriyah university , Bussiness administration department )( Bussiness administration department )( The organic composition and the believes and their effect on the organizational development / A practical study in the education hospitals of Baghdad
- Accomplishing the items belonging to the organizational charts according to academic and scientific bases .
-Assessing the administrational researches scientifically and soonally not exaggeration
-Building the relations of the administrative researching variable
- Reality of information deskes in the Iraqi government body, the magazine of administration and economic, Baghdad University Baghdad, 1993.
- The educational administration between the reality and the ambition , education and psychological magazine Al- Mustanisiryah university, Baghdad 1994.
- The reality of public transportation sector in Baghdad and the ways of improving it, Al-Qadisiyah magazine, university of Al- Qadisiyah, Baghdad 1994.
- The evening classes evaluation for the studing year 1995-1996 from the point of view of the students , lecuterers and the head of the department the magazine of the college of teachers , Al- Mustunsiriyah university, Baghdad, 1997.
- Analysing the organizational changes that took place over the formation of ministry of education 1972-1997, the magazine of the college of teachers , Al- Mustansiriyah university , Baghdad, 1997
- Samples of reviews from the buses drivers of the public transportation sector in Baghdad, concerning the incentives system in the establishment, the economics magazine, university of Basrah, Baghdad, 1997.
- Thereality of working policies in the stste company of public transportation in Baghdad from the drivers point of view, Al- Istad magazine , education college IBN Rushed, Baghdad university Baghdad, 1998.
- The goyermental projects administration for the building sector, a comparison between the administration of the ministry of transportation and the ministry of housing, Al- Qadisiyah magazine , university of Al- Qadisiyah magazine , Baghdad, 1998.
- Analysing the temporary committees phenomenon in the ministry of education from the point of view of some responsibles , the Iraqi contrastive Bar association magazion , Baghdad, 1998.
- The Evaluation of the administrative leaders and their deputies in their absence periods to fill the secretary position in the formation of the ministry of education , the Iraqi contrastive bar association magazine, Baghdad 1998.
- Analysing the roles of the responsibles of maintaining and repairing operation according to the drivers point of view , applied study in the state company of passengers transportation , the college of teachers magazine, Baghdad 1998.
- The organizational circulation in the shadow of performance accumulation and the power of aspiration and its effect on the comption, an applied study in the board of Baghdad province , Al- mansour magazine , Al- Mansour university college , Baghdad 2011.
- The organizational skill and its effect on the excellent typical performance , an applied survey in the headquarters of the ministry of higher education and scientific research , the Iraqi magazine for the administrative sciences , college of administrative and economics , university of Karbala, Baghdad, 2011.
- The working methods effect on the organizational feeling , a field study in the ministry of building and housing , the administration and economic magazine, college of administration and economic , Al-Mustansiciyah university , Baghdad, 2011.
- The managers conducts ad their effects on the Employees contributions , pilot survey in the ministry of industry and minerals , the economics and administration magazine , college of administration and economic, Baghdad university Baghdad, 2012.
- The employees serving outlets and their effect on the self management , an applied search in the state board of the geological survey , university of Nawroz magazine , Kurdistan region 26/09/2012 .
- Analysing the factors of behavior tactfulness and its effect on spread the sustainability of the organizational trust , an applied research for a sample of members of Al-farouq company for construction, the economics and administration magazine, Baghdad university, Issue 76, Vol:20, 2014.
- Administrative oversight and its effect on the employees solidarity, an applied research for a sample of ministry of labor and social affairs employees , shared with Zina Raied Aljibori, Magazine of the administration and economic college , Baghdad university, 2013.
- The organizational challenges and their effects on the organization rituals , an applied study in the educational hospitals in the ministry of health, shared with Eman Nidal Zeghaer , Master thesis, Al-mustansiriyah university college of administration and economic , 2013.
- The effect of the availability of the psychological solidity factors for the managers in accomplishing the strategical agility movement , shared with Shahnaz Fadhel Ahmad , the magazine of the college of administration and economic , Al- Mustansiriyah university , 2014.
- The psychological solidity effect on applying the decision making circle, shared with Shahnaz Fadhel Ahmad, the magazine of the college of administration and economic , Al- mustansiriyah university , 2014.
- The effect of investing the human capital in distinguish the organizational performance , shared with Naif Ali Assi , university of Babylon , The magazine of the college of Administration and economic, 2015.
- The effect of the organizational citizenship conduct on distinguish organizational performance , shared with Naif Ali Assi ,University of Babylon , the magazine of the college of administration and economic, 2015.
- The local marketing and its effect on the organizational citizenship coduct , shared with Israa Shanan, Baytalihikma , the presidency of the council of ministry, a scientific intellectual establishment , 2015.
- The technological strategy effect on accomplishing the operational excellence , shared with Nahda Ali Abbas , an applied research in midland refineries company , Aldora, publish by Baytalhikma presidency of council of ministers, Baghdad , 2016.
- The technological strategy effect on the green productivity , shared with Nahda Ali Abbas , an applied research in the ministry of oil , the magazine of Al – turath university college, 2016 Baghdad .
- The organizational renewal and its effect on enhancing the performance , shared with Maad Adnan Zemazim , an applied research in the Audit board , the magazine of the national center of the administrative development and information technology, Baghdad, 2017.
- The technocration applications and their effects on enhancing the performance, shared with Maad Adnan Zemazim, the magazine of the national center of the administrative development and information technology , Baghdad, 2017.
- The organization hart determinants and their effect on the excellent performance , the magazine of university of Nawroz , A special issue for the researches of the forth international conference , 2017, Kurdistan region Duhok.
- The manager conducts and their effects on the contemporary total marketing , an analyzing study in different company of ministry of building and housing , shared with kadum Dawod Salman, Al- Mansour magazine , Al- Mansour university college, Jan -2017.Iraq , Baghdad.
- The manager conducts and their effects in the contemporary organizations requirement, an analyzing study in different companies of the ministry of building and housing, shared with Kadim dawod Salman, magazine Al- Mansour college , Al- Mansour university college, Jan-2-17, Iraq, Baghdad.
- The organization behavior a modern science and art, book , 2016.
- Many Acknowledgment from the administration of Baghdad International airport .
- Many Acknowledgment from the ministry of education for many contributions.
- Many Acknowledgment from the deanship of the college of administration and economic , Al- Mastansiriyah university , Baghdad University , university of Karbala, university of Kufa, Al- Nahrain university , university of Technology and and Iraqi university .
- An acknowledgement from the head of Al- Mustansiriyah university 2014.
- An acknowledgement from the minister of higher education and scientific research for all the member of Al- mustansiriyah university .
- Many acknowledgement from the foundation of technical education 2014.
- Many acknowledgement from the minister of youth and sport 2014
- An acknowledgement from the minister of environment 2016
- An acknowledgement from the minister of labor and social affairs 2016.
- An acknowledgement from the secretariat of the council of ministers 2017
- An acknowledgement from the head of the university of technology 2017.
- An acknowledgement from the ministry of trade 2017.
- Thanks of Dean of Al Mansour University at 10/5/2018
- A letter of thanks from the Secretariat of the Council of Ministers 10/4/2018
- Thanks of dean of Al- Mustansiriyah university at 24/5/2018
- A certificate of appreciation from the minister of higher education and scientific research 2014.
-The honorary shield from the Techincal college of management 2013.
-The honorary shield of the ministry of youth and sport 2014/
-The honorary shield of the college of administration and economic , Al- mustansiriyah university ,2015.
-The honorary shield of the ministry of trade 2017.