-1983 ولغايه احالتي للتقاعد 11-1-2023
مساعد مبرمج|محلل 1983 -2003
مبرمج|محلل 2001 -2005
مبرمج اقدم 2006 -2011
مساعد رئيس مبرمجين 2012 -2017
رئيس مبرمجين 2018-2021
رئيس مبرمجين اقدم 2022 -2023
مديرة قسم الانظمة والبرامج لغايه احالتي للتقاعد
1999 بكالوريوس علم الحاسبات الجامعه التكنولوجيه
الماجستير من بيلاروسيا سنة2010
دكتوراه من بيلاروسيا 2014
• اجادة اللعه الانكليزيه واللغه الروسية
• خبرة في مجال لغات البرمجه C++ C –EXCEL-WORD-POWER POINT
• Structure and dynamics of morbidity with temporary disability of workers on the production of monomers at petrochemical plant./ Ecological Bulletin, scientific journal. - 2013. - № 2 (24), January-March 2013 - pp. 58-63 (Belarus).
• Dependence of morbidity with temporary disability of petrochemical enterprises workers of age./ Ecological Bulletin , scientific journal . - 2013 . - № 3 (25) , July- September 2013 - pp. 47-53. (Belarus).
• Structure and dynamics of morbidity with temporary disability of plant office workers at petrochemical plant./. -2013. (Russia).
• Analysis of health of petrochemical plant workers. / "Bulletin of Polotsk State University." Series B. Industry. Applied Science. - 2013. - № 3. - p. 164-171. (Belarus).
• Analysis of health of workers petrochemical plants for the production of polyethylene. / "Bulletin of Polotsk State University." Series B. Industry. Applied Science. - 2012. - № 11. - S. 129-134. (Belarus).
• Occupational risk evaluation at a petrochemical plant. / "Bulletin of Polotsk State University." Series B. Industry. Applied Science. - 2013. - № 11. - p. 135-140. (Belarus).
• Working conditions and the health of workers in production of HDPE of petrochemical enterprise. / 2nd International scientific conference “European applied sciences: modern approaches in scientific researches”, Papers of the 1st International scientific conference (Volume 1) February 18-19, 2013, Stuttgart, (Germany) 230 p., p. 141-144.
• Professional production and production workers due to disease pressure polyethylene. / Al-Dhalemi YM kwyja. / / The Future of Science 2013 [Text]: proceedings of the International Youth Scientific Conference (23-25 April 2013), in 3 volumes, Volume 2, South-West. Reg. Univ., Editor AA Gorokhov, Kursk, 2013, 357 p. ISBN 978-5-905556-49-4. Pp. 332-335. (Russia).
• Assessment of risk of exposure to harmful factors on the health of workers in the production of polyethylene. / Chebotarev PA, Yusra M. Al-Dhalemi, Khalil VB / / "Scientific-methodological and legislative basis for improvement of the legal framework of preventive health care: Problems and Solutions", Proceedings of the Plenum of the Scientific Council on Human Ecology and Environmental Health of the Russian Federation, 13-14 December 2012, ed. Academician Yu Rachmaninoff. pp. 483-484 (Russia).
• Working conditions and health of workers producing monomers at petrochemical enterprise. / Al-Dhalemi Yusra Mohammed Kwyja, Chebotarev P. // European & National dimension in research. Junior researchers conference (in the English language). Materials of the conference. Polotsk State University, April 24-25, 2013. In 3 Parts. Part 3. Technology. р. 102-104. (Belarus).
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• اعداد برنامج النظام الشامل هو دمج عدة انظمة في نظام واحد وحصلت على كتاب شكر وتقدير من الوزير السابق عام 2002.
• اعداد تقارير مسح البطالة (العاطلين عن العمل) عام 2004.
• اعداد وتقديم دورات في ال GIS ,DEVINFO وعدة تطبيقات حديثة عام 2005-2006.