Computer Engineering Department

A scientific symposium held by the Department of Computer Engineering on cloud computing

Dec 18th, 2022


The Department of Computer Engineering, in coordination and cooperation with the Continuing Education Unit, held a scientific symposium entitled
Cloud computing in our life
The symposium dealt with the most prominent concepts of cloud computing and its multiple applications in our daily lives with the rapid development of information technology. The symposium was presented by:
1- Dr. Zainab Muhammad Hussein - Lecturer in the Department of Computer Engineering.

2- Zahraa Jawad - Rapporteur of the Computer Engineering Department.

3- Hasna Hassan - Lecturer in the Department of Medical Devices Technology Engineering.

The symposium was held on Sunday, 12-18-2022, in the college conference hall, in the presence of the dean of the college and a number of department heads and students of the computer engineering department.

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